Pagan Book of Hours - Green Man Days

Day of the Birch Tree - 1 Beth/Poseideon II
Day of the Silver Fir - 14 Beth/Poseideon II
Day of the Sugar Maple - 16 Luis/Gamelion
Day of the Rowan Tree - 1 Luis/Gamelion
Day of the Ash Tree - 1 Nion/Anthesterion
Day of the Gorse Plant - 14 Nion/Anthesterion
Day of the Alder Tree - 1 Fearn/Elaphebolion
Day of the Elm Tree - 14 Fearn/Elaphebolion
Day of the Hawthorn Tree - 1 Huath/Thargelion
Day of the Guelder Rose - 17 Huath/Thargelion
Day of the Willow Tree - 1 Saille/Mounukhion
Day of the Honeysuckle - 15 Saille/Mounukhion
Day of the Oak Tree - 1 Duir/Skirophorion
Day of the Heather - 15 Duir/Skirophorion
Day of the Holly Tree - 1 Tinne/Hekatombaion
Day of the Spindle Tree - 14 Tinne/Hekatombaion
Day of the Hazel Tree - 1 Coll/Metageitnion
Day of the Apple Tree - 16 Coll/Metageitnion
Day of the Vine - 1 Muin/Boedromion
Day of the Aspen - 13 Muin/Boedromion
Day of the Ivy - 1 Gort/Puanepsion
Day of the Blackthorn Tree - 16 Gort/Puanepsion
Day of the Reed - 1 Ngetal/Maimakterion
Day of the Yew Tree - 15 Ngetal/Maimakterion
Day of the Elder Tree - 1 Ruis/Poseideion
Day of the Pine Tree - 16 Ruis/Poseideion

[Pagan Book of Hours]