Calendar of the Moon
25 Huath/Thargelion

Plynteria: Altar Cleansing Rite

Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: All altars should be stripped, cleaned, and left bare. At the end of the rite, they are to be redecorated with clean white cloth (or colored for specific deity-altars), new candles and incense, fresh flowers, and new offerings. All altar furniture should be cleaned as well. All sacred gardens should be repaired, and all outdoor shrines taken apart before the rite. One statue of the Goddess (or whatever god/dess is the patron of that House) should be stripped bare and stood on the floor before the altar with a tub of salt water and a tub of fresh water, and clean towels.
Offerings: Clean sacred things.
Daily Meal: Vegan

Plynteria Invocation

Call: We come together to make this House ready for the Gods.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of the winds.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of the waters.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of the fire.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of the earth.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of Love.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of Fate.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of mortal deeds.
Response: Make ready!
Call: We make ready for the gods of Death.
Response: Make ready!
Call: All divine spirits are welcome into this House!
Response: We welcome you!

(All come forth and wash the statue of the Goddess with great reverence, dipping it first in salt water and then in fresh water, and cleansing it gently with towels. If she has clothing, it is carefully given back to her clean and mended. The altar is then draped with a clean white cloth and she is stood on it, in a place of honor. Candles and incense are lit, salt and water are sprinkled. Then each goes to a different part of the property and restores the other altars, making sure that they are clean and ordered.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]